Technical Liaison for Meeting Optimization
On point will assist entity representatives with the coordination of meetings for all aspects of technology and integration engineering (TIE-MED) from architectural design through testing and validation of medical systems. We can offer systematic oversight to identify appropriate staff required for specific meetings. Clearly defined meeting agendas will maximize productivity. Improve meeting attendance by alleviating wasted time for key-stake holders attending meetings that don’t pertain to them. Subject matter experts will know that when they are scheduled to attend a meeting it will be direct and productive. On Point understands the unique requirements that each department/service line brings to projects of their respective patient care environments. If the department/service line cannot attend a meeting, we can advocate for them in their absence and work directly with them off-line to make sure all the questions are addressed and answered. On Point will attend SD/DD/Construction/Activation meetings and will serve as the technical experts that work directly with Clinical Engineering, IT, and Clinical Leaders to ensure all system requirements are understood and captured.