TIE (MED) for Capital Projects

What is TIE (MED)?

Technology & Integration Engineering

By adding a single topic titled Technology & Integration Engineering to project documentation it consolidates all technology aspects into one category. This separates highly technical medical equipment and related infrastructure items from the rest of the project and allows the construction manager to focus on construction. On Point provides turn-key coordination and implementation of the Technology & Integration Engineering portion for the project manager.

Construction project managers know how difficult it can be to coordinate medical equipment specifications, coordinating with clinical leaders, integration, and go live. Why not bring on subject matter experts who specialize in the planning, design, and implementation of this technology to coordinate this for you? Let us show you how we can free your project manager of these items and ensure a successful project with happy clinical end users.

Adding a Technology & Integration Engineering category, or what On Point calls “TIE (MED)”, covers the following highly complex topics including…

  • Technical liaison for meeting optimization

  • Medical Equipment Planning

  • Technology Infrastructure Planning

  • Medical Integration Solutions

  • After Action Review